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Our Readers Say It Best

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“I love Countryside magazine. There is so much information packed into every issue. Keep up the great job crew!” — Rebecca Hudson

“I have been reading Countryside for years. I can’t wait for the new issue in my mailbox!” — Mavis Jenkins

“I’ve learned how to make quite a few projects in the pages of Countryside. It’s my go-to magazine.” — Timothy Green

“Keep up the good work! We LOVE Countryside. We don’t read anything else.” — Jean Smith

“Always really enjoy the Countryside articles!” — Lou Mosier

“I’ve been reading Countryside since the ’80s. You just won’t find a more informative outlet for homesteaders.” – Penny Johnson

“Countryside is awesome. You have the best information out there on soap making that I have found. Your chat team is exceptional with beginners, patient, and knowledgeable. I’m thrilled to have found you in my adventure. A million thanks!” – Linda

Some things in life look good-while other things not only look good, but feel good. The new version of Countryside is the latter. It reflects an earlier time of goodness and values. Knowledge is passed along as from one friend to another. Information coupled with things of usefulness-all so beneficial to one and all. Even the ads reflect a philosophy of assistance to your readers. I find myself picking it up and rereading every page over and over. This urge is something that cannot be defined by mere words. It comes-because there is a most special feeling the inner person receives from this magazine. Thank you. — Joel Monteith

COUNTRYSIDE Makes Homesteading Accessible to Everyone

Whether you’re just starting out on your path to a more natural life or you’re an experienced homesteader, Countryside has exactly the information you need to make your life richer, more self-reliant and ultimately more rewarding.

Are you starting a flock of backyard chickens and hoping to build the perfect coop? We’ve got dozens of DIY ideas, from top-of-the-line to budget, all of them perfect for your flock.

Worried about another brutal winter on the homestead? Our articles on preparedness are practical and hands-on: What to put in an emergency kit, winterizing your farm vehicles, practicing power outage drills with the family, even starting a neighborhood mutual aid group. We even cover off-the-grid technology to keep you on top of the latest products that will make your home safer and more comfortable.

Maybe you’re trying to avoid using insecticides in your garden or orchard. You’ll get plenty of solutions to this problem, from fabric barriers to homemade garlic spray.

If you’re thinking of joining the goats’ milk movement, we’ve got you covered, with advice on everything from the proper housing of dairy goats to optimizing milk production to weaning the kids.

And then there’s the question of what to do with all the produce you grow: Every issue of Countryside includes delicious recipes for cooking with everything from peaches to pork! 

As you can see, we truly understand natural, sustainable living. We live the life, grow the produce and livestock, eat the food and protect the natural environment. At Countryside, we share what we know and love. Every article comes from our own experienced editorial staff (who, like me, are all experienced in different ways with the sustainable lifestyle), or from a homesteader, farmer, gardener or stock grower from around the country — who all tell it like it is, whether that’s how to make jam, start an agritourism business or treat deer worm.

In short, Countryside & Small Stock Journal will help you …

  1. Solve the problems that invariably arise on any homestead, whether it’s plant-, animal- or equipment-related
  2. Share your own stories and photos along with those of other homesteaders all over the country
  3. Raise healthy, productive animals for food and for fun
  4. Grow natural fruits and vegetables for better health
  5. Protect yourself and your family from food additives and preservatives
  6. Live a sustainable and even off-the-grid lifestyle
  7. Enjoy the fruits of your labors in the garden, field, barn, and home, all year long

When you read Countryside, you continue to grow and learn about the simple homesteading lifestyle all year long. Your own expertise will grow along with your gardens and animals, and you’ll become more skilled and celebrate better health and life balance as you learn. No more huge grocery bills chock full of processed foods … no more time wasted on failed gardens … no more fear about raising animals successfully. That’s what I call a win-win-win situation!

So go ahead and become one of our readers right now. You can get instant access to all of our information and stories, and start becoming a more skilled homesteader immediately!

Yours for the simple, natural life,

Ann Tom,
