Abbey Smith serves as the Savory Global Network Coordinator. She is also owner and operator of the Jefferson Center for Holistic Management with her husband, Spencer. The Jefferson Center is an organic ranch and accredited Savory Network Hub in Fort Bidwell, California.
She grew up on a commercial cattle ranch in Indian Valley, in Plumas County, California. Her loving, large, loud family has lived in the valley for seven generations. Family is a source of joy to her. She attended Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo and graduated magna cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in animal science. She also holds a master’s degree in Interactive Journalism from the University of Nevada, Reno, where she graduated with honors. She developed lasting friendships in college and is proud to be well connected to friends from college and childhood. Her goal in life is to build a beautiful world for her daughter, Maezy, which is why she and Spencer practice and teach Holistic Management.
Living in the rural community of Surprise Valley, California and being involved in a meaningful global organization is a dream come true. Abbey serves on the Surprise Valley Education Foundation board, volunteers at Surprise Valley Elementary school and is involved in local food groups. She enjoys doing yoga, throwing kettlebells around, gardening, riding horses, skiing and hiking with Spencer and Maezy. Her happiest moments are on the ranch with her family. She loves running and runs alone, except when in Africa. Learn more at and
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