Scarlet leaves are among us as the nights become cooler. If you are starting to feel a little squirrelly, you are not alone.
Read MoreCheck out these 10 alternative agritourism examples and see the possibilities of your farm!
Read MoreAdd to Favorites Hot, sweet, purple, yellow, wrinkly or bell – I love all peppers. If you find yourself wanting to harvest your peck of peppers, but are having trouble …
Read MoreWhether making a green smoothie or adding summer greens to a fruit smoothie, these blended concoctions are healthy and revitalizing.
Read MoreBy training your body correctly in your daily life, not just when you are lifting heavy objects, you can prevent injury on the homestead.
Read MoreAdd to Favorites Creep, nuisance, vermin, trouble, and costly are synonymous when identifying insects. It’s a shame, too, because without insects, our world would be very different. Yes, we may …
Read MoreGrowing dual-purpose edible plants that keep away mosquitoes is beneficial and practical. From the annoyance of buzzing in your ears to the threat of Zika and West Nile, mosquitos are troublesome.
Read MoreProper wild plant identification is paramount if you are going to forage. Do not eat anything you are unsure about eating.
Read MoreLearning how to attract owls to your homestead has many rewards including acting as a natural way to get rid of mice. The joy of spotting the magical birds on evening owl prowls is also a reward in itself.
Read MoreNot wanting to add to the landfill, I started drafting up ideas on how I could transform my dilapidated deck into a standing raised bed.
Read MoreIf you are looking for a plant that brings a combination of excitement and beauty, look no further than the large and diverse group of carnivorous plants. With over 700 species found on all continents except Antarctica, it’s easy to find one that will grow well for you.
Read MoreIn addition to providing food and fiber, small flock owners are looking to support livestock conservation by venturing into raising rare sheep breeds.
Read MoreGreenhouses are useful for growing produce out of season or starting seeds and cuttings earlier than your climate allows. This jump-start allows us to extend our growing season.
Read MoreAvailable in lotions, pads, distilled extracts and even suppositories, witch hazel uses are widespread. Earlier this summer I was weeding in shorts, and I was stung or bitten on my inner thigh by an unknown insect. It was incredibly painful.
Read MoreStarting a nursery business from home, whether small or large, means knowing the best ways to propagate and sell plants. I purchased my one-acre homestead for its location, mature trees, and potential to grow rows and rows of vegetables.
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