Soay sheep are the hardiest miniature sheep breed from St. Kilda, Scotland. Their light weight and self-sufficiency make them ideal for land management and homesteading, plus you don’t have to shear them!
Read MoreHow smart are sheep, actually? Most people consider sheep stupid. But research has revealed considerable sheep intelligence and social skills.
Read MoreRaising pigs on pasture allows pigs to satisfy their curious natures. They can improve land fertility and provide nutritious food.
Read MoreMangalitsa pigs are hardy, disease resistant, and adaptable. They thrive in free-range systems, being excellent foragers and skillful mothers. They make the perfect workers on homesteads and sustainable farms.
Read MoreIncluding pigs in your permaculture design saves labour and provides healthy exercise and a varied diet for your hogs, leading to overall better welfare and tastier products.
Read MorePig intelligence studies reveal how smart are pigs and how their perspective requires consideration when handling and housing them.
Read MoreHow to raise hogs in a comfortable and enjoyable environment that meets their physical and behavioral needs. Here are seven essentials for pig happiness that will enhance their health and production.
Read MoreIn their call to preserve biodiversity, the FAO stresses the importance of preserving heritage breeds and avoiding the results of inbreeding.
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