After you unload the first cattle onto your property, your next biggest concern will be how to keep up with the demand for food. Knowing a
Read MoreMinimizing heat stress in cattle can make the difference between life and death in your herd. Hot weather, especially if it’s humid, can be hard on cattle, and they may be at risk for heatstroke.
Read MoreWhen I first heard about American Tarentaise cattle back in 2015, I was intrigued to learn all about a widely unknown breed. My husband had a coworker who was raising these cattle.
Read MoreAdd to Favorites By Professor Richard Gradwohl Washington – As 100-500-acre family farms continue to disappear, the small acreage family homestead farm is becoming more common. Miniature cattle breeds are particularly …
Read MoreBelfair cattle were developed for the small acreage farmer who wants a small family milk cow that also produces a good beef calf for the locker.
Read MoreDiphtheria in calves is generally more serious — and more noticeable — than in adult cattle. Diphtheria is an upper respiratory disease and is an infection and/ or inflammation of the vocal folds of the larynx (voice box) at the back of the throat.
Read MoreThe most important thing for feeding dairy calves is to get colostrum as soon as possible into a newborn calf. After that, the calf needs adequate milk or milk replacer until weaning age.
Read MoreWhen selecting a family milk cow or choosing from the best dairy cow breeds to start a small dairy, there are a number of options. The most “ideal” breed will be one that best suits your own situation and purpose.
Read MoreLump jaw in cattle is a bacterial infection of the jawbone.
Read MoreAnkole Watusi are known as the “Cattle of Kings.” Their unmistakably large horns can spear a lion. The tribes of Africa that rely on them for survival call them sacred.
Read MoreThe best age and method for castrating calves may vary, depending on your situation. Some stockmen feel that a calf should be allowed to grow all summer before being castrated, since calves grow faster as bulls.
Read MoreCattle waterers for winter are a necessity in some climates where keeping stock water ice-free can be frustrating during colder months.
Read MoreSome calves develop calf bloat, an acute enterotoxemia (toxic gut infection), caused by bacterial toxins. These calves are usually about a month old but may be as young as a few days of age or as old as two to three months.
Read MoreEye problems in livestock and horses can be caused by foreign material in the eye, and one of the most challenging problems is burdock slivers. Burrs from this invasive weed stick to hair or clothing.
Read MoreRemoving porcupine quills from pets, cattle, and other livestock is an unpleasant task for everyone involved.
The porcupine is a peaceful, timid rodent whose unique method of self-defense often causes grief to inquisitive animals.
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