Ponds and lakes in the northern United States have in the past experienced what I will term a “fish kill” related to lack of dissolved oxygen present in the water. Oxygen is essential to the metabolism of all aerobic (air breathing) organisms.
Read MoreAs cold and flu season comes upon us, more and more people are looking for natural cold and flu remedies. My family has used and benefited from these home remedies for cold and cough for many years.
Read MoreAs beautiful as the holidays can be with lights and displays, it can also get pricey. Here’s some tips on how to save electricity through the holiday season.
Read MoreIt’s all fun and games until it’s lights out. But a little preparation can help you survive a power cut or outage.
Losing power during summer is hot, sweaty, and miserable. You hold glasses of milk against your perspiring forehead then drink before the milk goes bad.
Read MoreTornados, hurricanes and earthquakes come on fast and strong. But floods can be just as devastating.
Read MoreBucking trees isn’t as easy as it looks. Learn how to limb a tree and buck wood safely.
Read MoreKnowing firewood moisture content can make the difference between creating steam or heat. Most folks agree that water doesn’t burn, not unless you break H2O down into H and O, both of which are highly flammable, and that doesn’t happen in your stove or furnace.
Read MoreYou’ve put in all the hard work of chopping the tree, splitting the wood, and now you’re ready to stack it for storage. But what is the best way to store firewood?
Read MoreWhether you’re cooking or heating the house, not all wood is created equal. So, what are the best trees for firewood?
Read MoreFor those with an eye to see, the acorn is very likely the most underutilized food source in the United States.
Read MoreGiving 10 “essentials” for survival and emergencies is Royce Jones, Wilderness Patroller I of the Mount San Jacinto State Park and Wilderness which is located on the mountain that overlooks Palm Springs, California.
Read MoreSafety tips to help you and your family during and after a tornado strikes.
Read MoreSeptember is National Preparedness Month. Here are a few suggestions on ways you can observe National Preparedness Month.
Read MoreKnowing beforehand what to do when a natural disaster hits is pivotal.
Read MoreThe year 2013 was an informative and challenging year for Half Creek Farm in Bickleton, Washington. In late July and early August, we got our first “opportunity” to give farm fire evacuation procedures a try.
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