Easy Country Cooking

Easy Country Cooking

Reading Time: 2 minutes


-by Katie Martin We are always in a hurry and regular meals often get neglected. So, here are some ideas to make life a little simpler with “Easy Country Cooking.”

Blueberry Cake

  • 2 cans blueberry pie filling
  • 1 box white cake mix
  • 1 stick (4 ounces) melted butter
  • 3 ounces slivered almonds

Place blueberry filling on the bottom of a buttered, 9-by-13- inch baking pan. Sprinkle the cake mix over top. Drizzle melted butter over cake mix. Sprinkle almonds on top. Bake at 350 degrees F for about 50 minutes.

The cake is done when a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.

French Toast

To make a day memorable with another easy country cooking recipe, make French toast. This recipe is easy and quick and makes 6 to 8 pieces.

  • 1 cup milk
  • 4 eggs, beaten well
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
  • 6 to 8 pieces bread

Mix the first five ingredients. Dip bread into the mixture until completely covered, then fry on a buttered or sprayed pan until golden brown.

Quick Mexican Salad

  • 2 pounds ground beef
  • 1 package taco seasoning
  • 1 large bag tortilla chips
  • 3 chopped tomatoes
  • 1 pound grated sharp cheddar cheese
  • 1 head lettuce, chopped
  • 1 small container (8 ounces) sour cream
  • 1 jar salsa
  • Black olives, chopped (optional)

Brown ground beef and drain grease. Add taco seasoning as per package instructions. Place all ingredients in separate bowls on the table and let everyone make their quick Mexican salad.

Zucchini Pie


For those who like simple, meatless dishes.

  • 4 cups unpeeled, thinly sliced zucchini
  • 1 cup onion, chopped small
  • 1 stick butter (4 ounces)
  • 2 teaspoons parsley flakes
  • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon basil
  • 2 eggs, beaten well
  • 2 cups grated mozzarella cheese
  • 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
  • Salt and pepper, if desired
  • Deep-dish pie crust

In a frying pan, cook zucchini and onion in butter until tender. This will take about 10 minutes or so.

Combine parsley, garlic, basil, salt, and pepper (if using) in a large bowl. Add beaten egg, cheese, and mustard. Stir in zucchini mixture. Place in a deep-dish pie crust. Bake at 375 degrees F for 18 to 20 minutes, or until done.

Cantaloupe and Yogurt

This recipe can be made with other yogurt flavors, but blueberry and cantaloupe go together nicely.

  • 1 cantaloupe
  • 1 container of blueberry yogurt

Cut cantaloupe into wedges and top each wedge with a large spoonful of blueberry yogurt. Add a bit of whipped topping if desired.

Frozen Oreos and Ice Cream

  • 1 package Oreo cookies (14.3-ounce package)
  • 1/2 gallon vanilla ice cream
  • Hershey’s chocolate syrup (I used a 24-ounce bottle)
  • Crush Oreo cookies.
  • Place 1/2 of crushed cookies in a buttered, 9-by-13-by-2-inch
  • baking pan.
  • Drizzle chocolate syrup over cookie mixture.
  • Freeze for 10 to 15 minutes.

Add softened ice cream to the top of crushed cookie mixture. Top with the rest of the crushed cookie mixture. Drizzle heavy with chocolate syrup.

Freeze overnight, then cut into squares and enjoy.

Originally published in the May/June 2023 issue of Countryside and Small Stock Journal and regularly vetted for accuracy.

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